
LeorgeRG - The Death Flame (Official Music Video)

Who is LeorgeRG?

"Aimin' to bring upbeat pop and pop-punk back from the dead. Let's go back to how it was in 2006."
LeorgeRG is the creative persona of Leorge Regie Gadayan, a budding artist residing from Birmingham, UK. Inspired by 2000’s hit bands like All Time Low and Boys Like Girls, he aims to bring back the nostalgic hits of decades past back from the dead.
“Let’s go back to how it was in 2006” is the mantra that drives his music. With an earlier background in creative media, his creative endeavours have since expanded to the world of audio. At 18, he has since discovered his upbeat pop and pop-punk sound, dreaming to carry on the legacy of millennial tracks in the modern age.
His first single “The Death Flame” was inspired by the toils of working on a media project, and the consequences of it on the mental state. Breaking out through this single, he hopes to release more music culminating to a future debut album.
LeorgeRG wishes to make the beats you never knew you missed, redefining the youthfulness of the pop-punk genre. Oh, and he hopes you'll enjoy it too.
Photo By: Ethan Turner